Feed Sack Vintage Fabric (code FS78) Yellow with pink, blue,green dabs
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Approx. 47cm x 58cm. Enclosed is a small piece of co-ordinating feed sack fabric for FREE and information sheet about feed sack. Very Nice.
Authentic American made vintage flour/feed sack cotton fabric – 1930’s to 1950’s. This is the same fabric that was used by many people in their kitchens back in the Depression times, and even today. There is a real survival story behind flour and feed sack fabric. The colours are very clear and dynamic and the fabric is, as feed and flour sack always has been, super strong. This fabric has had a previous life of holding animal feed or grain or flour so you may find a few tiny spots here or there or some very tiny marks left from where the fabric was sewn into sack form. Now a collector’s item. Feed Sack Fabric is excellent for vintage doll dresses, quilts and craft projects. Nice.